Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hardly any degrees of separation

Okay, so I should probably be posting pics of our highly successful panel talk featuring the super nice and talented artist John Hendrix and the equally pleasant, articulate wonderful panelists Liz, Steve and Dan. Or I could show pics of the people who came to the reception- and I will.

But- tonight I have to say I walked away with a funny thought. Back when I was researching bios for the artists, I saw that Robert MacKenzie had worked on a Harry Potter movie. I am always excited when I find the actual lineage of a degree of separation, and there was a huge one. I heart Harry Potter. And there it was. Me to Robert. Robert to Harry Potter (or to someone to someone to Harry).

And John establishes 2 more. Really one more, but kinda two. My husband worked on a My Chemical Romance project featuring James Dewees of the Get Up Kids who I LOVED for years. (me to Davey to James to Get Up Kids-btw- this pic is one of James holding a sign that says "hi Nancy" from when Davey worked with him- he made James do that which Davey is so great for making him do!) Well, there are two roads to TGUK now! John went to school with Travis Millard who did the covers of Something to Write Home About and On a Wire (by TGUK). So cool.

AND also- John worked at the New York Times and met the puzzle master himself- Will Shortz! (me to John to Will Shortz).

So yeah. Super f-ing cool. And those are just the ones that I know about. I'm sure through the other 8 artists there are even more shortcuts to my favorite things (Terry Gross? Jim Henson? Obama? Oprah? Morrissey? The possibilities are endless!) Just more reasons why these artists are superfly coolio! (as if the work isn't enough!)

1 comment:

John Hendrix said...

Also, I have personally met Barbara Walters, and walked past a room with BONO in it, at the NYT.